
-[ Les-Partys Té-qui-là ]-


-[ Evénements Té-qui-là ]-

Les-Partys Téqui-là is the release of your personality from work by attending to a party, a birthday party or by going out within a Club - Bar within the Montreal metropolitan area. The Partys Té-qui-là (GT; Get Together) are mostly in relation with important events. Alcohol and stress release are the subject of discussion !!!

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Té-qui-là is a person, a company, an event, an activity, an artist, a group, an organization, a meeting which need a conmercial exposure to promote theirs business activities through  press releases, ads, annoncements or any others forms of communication to celebrate the situation.

[ Point-de-RendezVous ]- + -[ Local-Monteéal ]- 

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